Saturday 12th October 2013 will be remembered by a really exceptional sighting: no less than 6
Minke Whales seen at close range during 20 intense minutes at 12 miles W of Sálvora island.
But there were more interesting things in this pelagic trip, which started at 8:45 at O Grove harbour, with cloudy sky and masses of birds in the mussel rafts in the 'ría', besides a small group of
Bottle-nosed Dolphins.
Balearic Shearwaters,
Northern Gannets and
European Shags popped up in the external area of the 'ría' as we approached Pombeiro islet. After surpassing the southern tip of Sálvora island of Sálvora, we faced the first "chum" at 12 miles WSW of this island, observing
Great and
Sooty Shearwaters,
Common Scoters,
Great and
Arctic Skuas and an unusually high number of
Northern Gannets and
Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Only one indeterminate
storm-petrel crossed the path of the boat at the same time as small pods of
Common Dolphins delighted the passage and crew when approaching the 'Chasula'.
'Chumming' was very productive, with a group of 15
Sabine's Gulls, and a mass of gulls, including
Mediterranean Gulls and a single
Great Black-backed Gull. The second "chum", further north, was unforgettable, with the appearance of four
Minke Whales very close todo the boar, plus two a little more distant. They were found feeding in that point, swimming in the surface and blowing, performing synchronized immersions and sudden appearances at barely 10 m from the "Chasula". One of them was enormous, reaching (if not surpassing)10 m of length.
Eventual sightings were 'eclipsed' by the adrenaline rush due Minke Whale observations but were also appreciated by the participants: more
Sabine's Gulls (61 different individuals), a
Black Tern, one
Razorbill, three
Manx Shearwaters, groups of
Common Dolphins and a
Sunfish. One of us photographed also a
Little Gull.
When entering the ria through the islets north of Sálvora islands, two raptors were spotted: a female
Marsh Harrier, soaring at Noro isled, and a female
Merlin perched in the top of this islet.
Way back to harbour was highlighted by groups of
Balearic Shearwater, a
Common Gull and a playful group of
Bottle-nosed Dolphins, that, with their jumps, celebrated this trip, named 'Do Marisco' after the shellfish fair, but could be appropriated called the 'Of the Minke Whales'.
Table of sightings soon.
And some photos, (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez and Juan Gómez Escariz. Also a video (c) Cosme D. Romay, avaliable in the Youtube channel of the Grupo Naturalista Hábitat:
Rorcual aliblanco (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Rorcuales aliblancos (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Balea alibranca (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas ao W da illa de Sálvora (SW Galiza) (c) Cosme D. Romay Cousido.
Delfín común (Delphinus delphis), 12/10/2013, 8 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Delfín común (Delphinus delphis), 12/10/2013, 8 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Pardela capirotada (Puffinus gravis), 12/10/2013, 8 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Pardela balear (Puffinus mauretanicus), 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Pardela balear (Puffinus mauretanicus), 12/10/2013, ría de Arousa (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Alcatraz atlántico (Morus bassanus), juvenil, 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Esmerejón (Falco columbarius), 12/10/2013, islote de Noro, junto a Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Gaviota cabecinegra (Larus melanocephalus), adulto, 12/10/2013, puerto de O Grove (SW Galicia) (c) Juan Gómez Escariz. |
Gaviota cabecinegra (Larus melanocephalus), inmaturo de segundo invierno, 12/10/2013, puerto de O Grove (SW Galicia) (c) Juan Gómez Escariz. |
Gaviota de Sabine (Xema sabini), adulto, 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Gaviota de Sabine (Xema sabini), adulto, 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
Gaviota de Sabine (Xema sabini), adulto, 12/10/2013, 12 millas náuticas al W de la isla de Sálvora (SW Galicia) (c) Xoán Diéguez Vázquez. |
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